Josefina is a 44 years old Filipino who has three kids. Josefina worked in Hong Kong for almost a decade before her friend linked her to HSS – a company that provides amazing opportunities to work and study in Finland, the happiest country in the world.

“Life in Finland is a blessing. Everyday life is easy and safe” says Josefina and continues: “I don’t have to hurry and I don’t have to stress about many things”. She works as a caregiver in a nursing home called Höllinkoto, which is located in Sahalahti – in the countryside of Finland. Josefina compares her work to years she spent in Hong Kong and tells, that “Working here is not at all as hard or difficult” as it was back then. Josefina works either in the morning or afternoon shift. Working day is 8 hours and it breaks in between for lunch. The Finnis labor legislation also requires employees to have shorter coffee breaks to make sure they load their batteries enough for work duties.
Josefina tells about her work: “We have 3 units, some are ambulatory patients, some are with memory problems and some are bedridden. Patients who are able to communicate show appreciation and thankfulness for us”. Josefina’s work includes helping the nursing home patients with their washes and bathing, assisting with their meals, changing their clothes, diapers and administering their medicines.
“The best thing about my work aside from the higher salary is how it teaches me to appreciate life more. I have learned that love and patience are the most important things at my work”. Josefina’s co-workers are supportive and they understand that Finnish is a very difficult language to learn. “They teach me patiently what to do, how to do it and how to write reports properly – and also, they keep offering me coffee” summarizes the Filipino perks in her job.
Josefina has a dream that is easy to relate: “I want to continue my studies and I want to bring my kids to Finland, too”. Finland is a country with amazing fresh air, awesome lakes and forests. This would be a great place for my children to live”. It is not only the Finnish nature and cleaness that attracts Josefina: “People in Finland are very honest to deal with and you can study for free while you work. Also, the healthcare is good and free here”.
The path to Finland offered by HSS is not the easy way but it really proves how hard work pays off. “I would recommend this to anyone out there looking for a better income and safer life” says Josefina. Good things don’t come for free but if you have the determination and discipline to study, you really should give it a go”.
Josefina Dizon is a 44 years old Filipino who has three kids. Josefina worked in Hong Kong for almost a decade before her friend linked her to HSS – a company that provides amazing opportunities to work and study in Finland, the happiest country in the world.
“Life in Finland is a blessing. Everyday life is easy and safe” says Josefina and continues: “I don’t have to hurry and I don’t have to stress about many things”. She works as a caregiver in a nursing home called Höllinkoto, which is located in Sahalahti – in the countryside of Finland. Josefina compares her work to years she spent in Hong Kong and tells, that “Working here is not at all as hard or difficult” as it was back then. Josefina works either in the morning or afternoon shift. Working day is 8 hours and it breaks in between for lunch. The Finnis labor legislation also requires employees to have shorter coffee breaks to make sure they load their batteries enough for work duties.
Josefina tells about her work: “We have 3 units, some are ambulatory patients, some are with memory problems and some are bedridden. Patients who are able to communicate show appreciation and thankfulness for us”. Josefina’s work includes helping the nursing home patients with their washes and bathing, assisting with their meals, changing their clothes, diapers and administering their medicines.
“The best thing about my work aside from the higher salary is how it teaches me to appreciate life more. I have learned that love and patience are the most important things at my work”. Josefina’s co-workers are supportive and they understand that Finnish is a very difficult language to learn. “They teach me patiently what to do, how to do it and how to write reports properly – and also, they keep offering me coffee” summarizes the Filipino perks in her job.
Josefina has a dream that is easy to relate: “I want to continue my studies and I want to bring my kids to Finland, too”. Finland is a country with amazing fresh air, awesome lakes and forests. This would be a great place for my children to live”. It is not only the Finnish nature and cleaness that attracts Josefina: “People in Finland are very honest to deal with and you can study for free while you work. Also, the healthcare is good and free here”.
The path to Finland offered by HSS is not the easy way but it really proves how hard work pays off. “I would recommend this to anyone out there looking for a better income and safer life” says Josefina. Good things don’t come for free but if you have the determination and discipline to study, you really should give it a go”.